Rebirth of the feminine - my story (ONLINE ZOOM TICKET!!)
ZOOM. During the live event there will be an online zoom call present for all the women who want to join, but cannot make it to Zeist.
Upon buying your ticket you will receive the zoom link for the call. So you have instant access.
Welcome to the rebirth of the feminine
A night to open up to the mysteries of the feminine powers. Open your body to receive. Love. Intuition.
This night I will tell my story of the past year. What 2022 brought me. In regards to my relationships. My relating to the masculine in particular. How I opened op to receive more than I have ever imagined from the masculine. By bringing truth. Real truth. Honesty and vulnerability in connection to the masculine.
I will tell you the story of how I confronted my father and my grandfather with things they did and did not do in my life. How they listened and how this changed everything in how I am relating.
I will tell you how I have been relating with men, two in particular this year. And how it brought me deep connection and love. And how it brought me visions. Intuition, believing and loving in myself in such a deep way.
I will tell you things that I have not told before and won't go live with online.
I believe that when we women relate to the masculine healthily. When we can truly receive them and when we are truly received by them, that this will change the world.
Because at last we are allowed to be who we are. Women. Cherished and held.
Over the past years I have learned a lot about the dynamics between man and woman.
I have embodied my power and my surrender into this truth. And found a way to be open to love on a whole new level.
Tonight I take you with me on this journey. To open you deeper into love.
I can't wait for this magical evening with you.
There is two ways you can attend. Live on a location in the city centre of Zeist.
Or join me from your own living room over Zoom.
I am here to inspire you, to show you how your feminine dreams and visions you see for this world are real and very necessary.
I am here to connect with all of you in a powerful container of women who desire the same thing as me.
which is: to be received for who we are: the embodiment of love.
Let's end this year big on love.
See you soon!
Innana Blessing